Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hunger Games

Here is the podcast I created with my students about Suzanne Collins novel Hunger Games

1 comment:

  1. I love the multiple voices of your students at the start of the podcast. The editing is well-done here and the voices move rather seamlessly from one to another.

    Although I haven't read this book, the plot seems complicated, but you describe the plot clearly and it's easy to follow. I am putting the book on hold at the library now!

    The music is daunting and intriguing and fits the overall tone of the novel. I'm interested in reading this book partly because of the music! You also have a fantastic reading voice, which shifts appropriately for the parts of the podcast where you read passages from the book. Your intonation demonstrates the evaluations and interests of the characters and narrator.

    When it comes back to the voices of your students later, it works extremely well. The mix of your narration, your reading, and students' judgments of the book make this engaging and keeps it from feeling like you are simply reading a review. Excellent job using the technology appropriately!

    There are a few glitchy parts of the podcast where the sound goes in and out or gets louder unexpectedly, but that aside, this works very well as an interesting and engaging review.

    Score: 8/8

